Would you Like Facebook to be your Friend? ~ Guest Jenn Possick

Would you Like Facebook to be your Friend? ~ Guest Jenn Possick

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August 26, 2016 by Aligning Divine with Keisha Clark

Are you frustrated trying to grow your business through social media? Are you confused about how others make it look so easy? About ready to unfriend Facebook? Then get ready for Keisha’s guest this week – Jenn Possick is here to help! Jenn helps Consciousness Entrepreneurs and network marketers use Facebook to monetize their passion and get more traffic, more engagement, and more sales – for less frustration and way more fun!  Does that peak your curiosity?

If you are ready to up-level Your social media savvy, you definitely want to join this conversation with Keisha and Jenn!

With a Master’s in Education and 8 years’ experience teaching elementary school, Jenn Possick excels at breaking things down and making them easy to digest.   She has combined her forward-thinking creativity and her dissatisfaction of ordinary and average results to learn everything she can about marketing on Facebook to improve her family’s business and now to help others get awesome results online as well.  Learn more about Jenn and having Facebook be your friend, at www.jennpossick.com and on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jenn.possick/?fref=ts

You can find Keisha on Facebook ~ www.facebook.com/livingwealwithkeisha

Check out Keisha’s Summer Special Offer here – http://tinyurl.com/20-20SummerSpecialLW

And -if you want to play more with Keisha –  Get Your FREE Ticket to join Keisha and her co-host Rhonda Burns for their weekly webcast show Sexually Speaking ~ celebrating #thesexofeverything with Unconventional conversations to Unf*%k your life.

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