What’s Your Pleasure? ~ Special Guest, Milica Jelenic

What’s Your Pleasure? ~ Special Guest, Milica Jelenic

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December 11, 2019 by Aligning Divine with Keisha Clark

Aligning Divine With Keisha Clark Radio Show

We continue our Resolve To Evolve Series as Keisha welcomes another Sister Host and Goddess Milica Jelenic, for this conversation about pleasure and our journey of evolution.  What does your pleasure have to do with your evolution? And does it really matter if you know what your pleasure is, or not?  We start there, and we’re excited to see how this conversation evolves!

You might recognize Milica Jelenic as the host of “The Pleasure Zone” radio show, here on the Inspired Choices Network.  Milica is also a Certified Sex & Intimacy Coach, a Mitzvah Technique Teacher, Access Bars® Facilitator and Body Process Facilitator.  She has facilitated greater ease and health in bodies through her work in the Alternative medicine field for over 15 years.

In her private practice Milica invites clients to receive who they truly be and to continue to choose more for themselves. Her keen ability to sense where change is possible and to question what is stuck in the target area creates a very dynamic session that promotes choice, possibility and change.

Milica has impacted thousands of individuals both in Canada and abroad with her humor, kindness, gentleness, potency and intensity. Her approach is playful, fun and direct. Milica is willing to be whatever energy and space is required for the change you desire. Milica offers sessions which involve shifting energy through energy work, body manipulation, and verbal processing.

Milica’s Special Offer http://bit.ly/MilicaJelenic-InfoForm Share your experience with Milica, for her book research, and receive Coaching Sessions with Milica, as a Thank You.  AND You can find even more with Milica and her magic, on her website – https://www.milicajelenic.com/


~ More Aligning Divine With Keisha Clark ~

Aligning Divine is all about lining up with Your Divine Essence and living it every day!  Keisha Clark is inviting you to a fresh perspective of being “a spiritual being having a human experience.”  What would you like it to be, for you?

We will dive into topics to inspire and invite you to re-cognize and re-member your Divine Nature, and to become more resonant with your Divine Essence.  What could you truly become capable of, as you shift into greater resonance and alignment with your essence?

It’s time for you to Know that You are required and desired to be participating in the Ah-Mazing co-creation on this planet right now!  Let’s Celebrate the unique, brilliant and powerful expression of the Universe, that is YOU. 


To get more of Aligning Divine With Keisha Clark, be sure to visit the archives page for replays of all her shows here: https://www.inspiredchoicesnetwork.com/podcast/aligning-divine-keisha-clark


Inspired Choices Network