What is Your Weighting Creating? ~ Petrina Fava

What is Your Weighting Creating? ~ Petrina Fava

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June 27, 2016 by Messy Adventures In Living

What’s your waiting game? Do you notice yourself furiously impatient for change; refusing to wait and demanding that it show up NOW while at the same time, waiting for everything or everyone else to fall into place first? Isn’t that an interesting dynamic? So what are you waiting for? Who are you waiting for?  What is this see-saw of “waiting while also resisting waiting” creating in your life?  What is it creating in your body?

Are you trying hard to get life right? Are you waiting to get everything perfect and all lined up before you even begin living?  What would it be like to jump right into the messy adventure and start creating the life you truly desire; all while having more fun than you can possibly imagine?   You are invited to come get messy with us and discover that everything you always knew was possible is waiting for you to choose it. Are you looking for change? What if the magic is right in your own hands?



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