Vibrationally Speaking ~ Guest, Elfy Jo

Vibrationally Speaking ~ Guest, Elfy Jo

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June 19, 2019 by Aligning Divine with Keisha Clark

Aligning Divine With Keisha Clark Radio Show

Keisha welcomes Elfy Jo back to the show this week, as they follow the energy from their previous conversation and dive into more of the vibrational aspects of language, communication and shifting energies.

Elfy Jo is originally a professional musician and these days she is also a radio show host, a spokesperson for consciousness, a teacher, a healer and a lover of shenanigans.  Her radio show is called Musical Magic with Elfy Jo and airs here on the Inspired Choices Network on Wednesdays at 8AM EST.

Elfy combines her joy for life with her knowledge of energy work and mastery in music in all parts of her life and work.  Her kindness and her “whatever it takes” attitude are her specific skillset through which she practices one of her strongest magical powers of transmuting heavy energies to light, and confusion to clarity.

Elfy offers a wide range of services: instrument specific music teaching, music coaching for professionals, music coaching in preparation for concerts or exams, BARS and Body Process sessions, musical healing sessions and online classes on consciousness.  She is here to inspire people and to be a catalyst for positive changes on this planet.

Find more with Elfy Jo on her website   You can also book a Session with Elfy Jo, here –

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~ More Aligning Divine With Keisha Clark ~

Aligning Divine is all about lining up with Your Divine Essence and living it every day!  Keisha Clark is inviting you to a fresh perspective of being “a spiritual being having a human experience.”  What would you like it to be, for you?

We will dive into topics to inspire and invite you to re-cognize and re-member your Divine Nature, and to become more resonant with your Divine Essence.  What could you truly become capable of, as you shift into greater resonance and alignment with your essence?

It’s time for you to Know that You are required and desired to be participating in the Ah-Mazing co-creation on this planet right now!  Let’s Celebrate the unique, brilliant and powerful expression of the Universe, that is YOU.

To get more of Aligning Divine With Keisha Clark, be sure to visit the archives page for replays of all her shows here:


Inspired Choices Network