TV ~ The Journey Of A Mystic ~ Featuring Marge Bowen

TV ~ The Journey Of A Mystic ~ Featuring Marge Bowen

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January 5, 2021 by Mystic Margaritas

Mystic Margaritas 

How do you become a mystic? What is the pathway or journey that leads to a mystic life? Follow the pathway of a mystic as you learn about Marge’s journey into the mystic as she created the work and life she now lives. Margaret Miller will interview Marge Bowen so we can learn what brought her to this point in her life as well as the ups and downs as she traveled this path. She will also offer important insights and wisdom she’s learned along the way.

~ More About Mystic Margaritas ~ 

Margaret Miller is a Healer, Shamanic Empowerment Coach and Astrologer.

She is a Modern Mystic – in constant contemplation of higher frequency states of consciousness and the mysteries of multidimensional realities. Margaret is devoted to helping individuals and groups shift their perceptions of themselves and their realities to a more empowered, compassionate and open-hearted awareness that is centered in the present moment.

She guides and mentors’ people to become the stewards of their own energy and masters of their own lives. To this end she engages her lifelong pursuit of spiritual, healing, astrologic and akashic wisdom; her ever deepening practice of Earthcentered Ceremony and Ritual; and her magical herd of Medicine Wheel Horses.


Marge Bowen is a Neuro-Energy Kinesiologist and Certified Touch for Health Consultant and Instructor.  She has worked as a complimentary health therapist for the past 20+ years.  Marge is also a Licensed Massage Therapist and has a BA Degree.

She specializes in Brain Integration and how it can help both adults and children improve their function at work, school and in relationships.  She is able to access deep subconscious survival processes that can stop us from taking the action needed to live the life we want.

Marge offers her unique understanding of the body, muscle function, brain function and the human energy fields to help clients and students obtain their optimal health and life.

To get more of Mystic Margaritas with Marge Bowen & Margaret Miller, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all their shows here:

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