Tight & Loose with Your Business ~ Guest Juna Guetter

Tight & Loose with Your Business ~ Guest Juna Guetter

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April 13, 2016 by ***Inspired Choices for Business Growth ~ Christine McIver

Do you flow with your business with ease or are you resisting where it is desiring to dance? When possibilities come your way do you invite them in or do you go into overwhelm and bury yourself and your business? Join Christine McIver, Possibilities Coach and her Guest Juna Guetter, Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator as they enjoy a lively conversation about bodies and business. 

Juna is a Mover and Connector of Possibilities. Inspiring individuals and groups for 25 years in the field of dance, conscious embodiment, and personal empowerment, she invites people into greater joy, ease and communion with their bodies and their lives.

Having studied various techniques including Reflexology, Psychotherapy, Social Work, NLP, Landmark Education, Nia™ (Black Belt), EFT, and Access Consciousness™, Juna has an intrinsic capacity for allowance that sparks people into the greatness of being who they truly are. Since 2009, Juna has been working internationally as an Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator and since 2013 as a 3 Day Body Class Facilitator.

Juna is a dynamic force with the skills and kindness to facilitate with a gentle whisper.  She invites you to explore unchartered territories feeling secure and confident.


3 Day Body Class – Toronto http://www.accessconsciousness.com/class_details.asp?cid=68026

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