The Joy of Swearing! ~ Guest ~ Laurie Laursen

The Joy of Swearing! ~ Guest ~ Laurie Laursen

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October 2, 2015 by Aligning Divine with Keisha Clark

Swearing & Curse words & Profanity, Oh My!!  What is it about saying those forbidden words that makes it so much fun to say them?!  &#$%*@!!  And what have we made so significant about the people who say them, that keeps us from having ease and freedom with our choice to say them – or not – ourselves?  Have you bought the point of view that you are somehow uncivilized if one of those words comes out of your mouth?  OR do you secretly long to spin a line of swear words that would make a sailor blush, and go on your merry way?  Either way, Keisha and Laurie will be playing with the Joy of Swearing today!!   ***And yes, THERE WILL BE SWEARING on this show***  Wanna play?

Laurie Laursen is the Host of What Else with Laurie show, here on, who has been know to say a swear word or two.  She is also an Inspirational Coach, Energetic Body Worker, Radio Show Host and Teacher of New Possibilities to anyone who desires change in any area of their lives.  Laurie, even in the most challenging of situations has always wondered what else is possible?  She loves to take her insatiable curiosity, along with her knowing, her openness and the space of non-judgment, to guide and encourage others to find what else is possible for them.  You can find out more about Laurie by visiting her website –
And you can find Keisha at
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