Systemic Racism, Philanthropy And Social Services ~ With Jennifer Jones Austin

Systemic Racism, Philanthropy And Social Services ~ With Jennifer Jones Austin

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October 2, 2020 by Bill Myers Inspires

Bill Myers Inspires 

Is there systemic racism in America? What is systemic racism and how does it manifest itself? Join us as we take a closer look at this topic by examining the institutions of justice, philanthropy and government social services with our guest, New York Attorney, author, and social justice advocate, Ms. Jennifer Jones Austin.

Jennifer Jones Austin, Esq.
Jennifer Jones Austin has more than 20 years of leadership, management and advocacy experience working for the advancement of underserved children, individuals and families.

Ms. Jones Austin is the Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director of the Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies (FPWA), a prominent social policy and advocacy organization with 200 member human services agencies operating throughout New York City. Prior to joining FPWA, Ms. Jones Austin served as Senior Vice President of United Way of New York City, the City of New York’s first Family Services Coordinator appointed by Mayor Bloomberg, Deputy Commissioner for the City’s Administration for Children’s Services, Civil Rights Deputy Bureau Chief for New York State Attorney General Eliot Spitzer, and Vice President for LearnNow/Edison Schools Inc.

Throughout her career, Jennifer Jones Austin has chaired and served on several influential boards, commissions and task forces. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio appointed her as Co-Chair of his mayoral transition in 2013, a leader of his UPK Workgroup that designed the full day Universal Pre-Kindergarten Initiative, and a leader of his Jobs for New Yorkers Task Force. She was the Co-Chair of the NYC Department of Education Capacity Framework Advisory, and a member of the PlaNYC Advisory Board. She served as Chair of the City of New York Procurement Policy Board and Co-Chair of the New York State Supermarket Commission. Presently, Ms. Jones Austin serves as Board Member and Spokesperson for The National Marrow Donor Program, and Board Member of the NYC Board of Correction, the New York Blood Center, and the Fund for Public Housing. She also serves on the Human Services Council. Previous Board service includes the New York Women’s Bar Association Foundation, Children for Children, Citizens’ Committee for Children, the Icla da Silva Foundation, and the Bethany Baptist Church Child Development Center.

Ms. Jones Austin earned her law degree from Fordham University School of Law, a Master’s degree in Management and Policy from New York University Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service, and a Bachelor’s degree from Rutgers University.

~ More About Bill Myers Inspires ~ 

Emmy Award-winning actor Bill Myers is an accomplished actor, jazz musician, filmmaker, writer, educator, and speaker. As a bi-racial man who is both black and white, Bill leverages his background, talents, and voice through creativity, compassion, and connection as activism for social justice to focus on uniting the divide and compelling change.

In a civic leadership capacity, he has served as President of the African American Jazz Caucus in NYC, member of the Indianapolis Cultural Development Committee, and served as President of the Indianapolis Downtown Optimist Club. In addition to his Emmy Award, Bill has received many awards and notable commissions for his work including being commissioned by the Indianapolis Museum of Art to create an original work for Dr. Martin Luther King Day entitled “The Music, Martin & Me.”

Bill Myers seeks to encourage, enlighten, and empower others through the power of entertainment to affect social justice.

You can find him at his website, Bill Myers Inspires on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram  , or via email

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