Relationship Alchemy: Transmuting Shame & Loathing into Joy & Passion ~ Freyja & Michael Inanna

Relationship Alchemy: Transmuting Shame & Loathing into Joy & Passion ~ Freyja & Michael Inanna

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November 10, 2017 by Open Mic on Inspired Choices Network

Open Mic Spotlight Radio Show

Open Mic Spotlight PRESENTS Freyja & Michael Inanna as today’s Unique Exciting Speakers.  Freyja & Michael will be sharing with us how to explore transmute shame & loathing into joy & passion.  

Born into a polygamist community, Freyja spent her life entrenched in a deeply patriarchal society. She excelled as an RN, midwife, natural healer and mother of 12, serving both within and outside of her religious community. Reclaiming her divine power seven years ago, she drew in her perfect partner, Michael Inanna, Reiki Master/Engineer.  

Together they have created a sacred partnership, shedding the restrictions imposed by society and religion, and stepping into their true passion and highest calling: Integrative Orgasmic Healing. Creating deep healing and powerful transformation on the emotional/energetic/body-levels, they awaken Divine Goddess in every woman, and Sacred Warrior in every man.  Email:       Facebook:

***Special Bonus:  FREE Vibration-Raising phone call (value $333) to anyone who is ready to go deep and discover their blocks, gain clarity on how to create their dreams as reality…success in business, life purpose and creating the most intimate, juicy relationship possible! For details, or to claim your gift, email Freyja at:

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Inspired Choices Network