Sex and Aging with First Guest-Leigh Hurst!
July 14, 2014
Join my first guest, Leigh Hurst! In what promises to be a lively Q & A about sex and aging, as well as energetic and full body orgasms...ever had one? Woul... Read More...
Connecting Consciously with Kids with Guest Amy C. Bryant
July 9, 2014
What does connecting consciously with kids mean? And what will it create when we are willing to step into our own consciousness? How can we create a world where... Read More...
I Did it My Way….with guest Joel Hilchey and Kathleen Wright who are planning a unique wedding experience for their guests that aligns with their socially conscious values
July 9, 2014
What if you took a day that sometimes becomes about extravagance and reframed it so that it was all about expressing your own values? My guests Kathleen Wright ... Read More...
The Pleasure Zone Radio Show Launch with Milica Jelenic
July 7, 2014
This is the launch of a weekly talk show on Monday nights at 8pm EST. There are several amazing guests lined up for the next few months on topics ranging from O... Read More...
Choosing the Space of Vulnerability? with Special Guest Rhonda Burns
July 2, 2014
What is Vulnerability? Have you been taught that being vulnerable will be a risk? How about that you need to protect yourself? How can choosing the space of vul... Read More...
What now? What steps should be taken to put one back on the track to financial health after a major setback? with guest Samantha Piercy
July 2, 2014
You've suffered a financial setback.....it could be you've made poor decisions, taken bad advice, lost your job, you're going through divorce.... ... Read More...
Great Partnerships Mean Everyone Wins with Guest Rita-Marie Hadley, Executive Director of Lansdowne Children’s Centre
June 25, 2014
Learn about the work of the Lansdowne Children's Centre and how members of the community come out to support the organization every year in a big way. Two of th... Read More...
Following Your Best & Truest Destiny ! with Guest Penny Alalouf
June 25, 2014
Transforming your life is not always easy. Do you know that other possibilities are available? Do you see other's following what is true for them and you wonder... Read More...
Follow Your Passion ..but will it Pay the Bills? with guest Ronald Beckett
June 18, 2014
Youve heard it said, Find a job you love and youll never work a day in your life. Is it true or is it just plain bad career advice? Can you pay the ... Read More...
Consciousness Not Just for Women Anymore! with Guest Connor Hill
June 18, 2014
Consciousness Not Just for Women Anymore! Consciousness typically refers to the idea of a being who is self-aware. Has the world of consciousness included men ... Read More...
Finding the Fit……How does Adopting a Charity help define Corporate Identity? with guest Sandra O’Hagan
June 11, 2014
Listen to Sandra O'Hagan explain how she found a cause she is passionate about and what that has meant to her business. Sandra gets involved! Her involvement fo... Read More...
Having Honour and Regard for You! with Christine McIver
June 11, 2014
Having Honour and Regard for You...what a concept. Where in your life do you leave you behind? Who or what have you decided is more important then your desires... Read More...
The Difference is Forever……..Understanding Community Foundations with guest Lisa Short
June 4, 2014
Giving back is how the cycle of a vibrant and sustainable community continues. The causes we care about, the time we invest, the people we bring together all sh... Read More...
Denying the Magic with Guest Gary Douglas
June 4, 2014
What have you been denying yourself that if you didn't could create more magic than you've ever imagined? Do you know that you were created with magic in your b... Read More...
Find your Deeper Calling with Guest Russell Scott
May 28, 2014
Join Lynn Whetham and guest Russell Scott as they discuss how to discover your life purpose and the relationship between life purpose, happiness and prosperity. Read More...
What is this ACCESS thing?
May 28, 2014
What is ACCESS CONSCIOUSNESS? What is all the buzz about? Where in the world can I find it? How can it really change my life? BARS? CLEARINGS? QUESTIONS? Join ... Read More...
Should You give your Child a boost to Home Ownership? with guest Harvey Wood
May 21, 2014
ets face it, its not easy for young people to get started today on the road to home ownership. Parents and grandparents realize the importance that home owner... Read More...
Protecting Yourself from Financial Fraud with Guest Samantha Piercy
May 14, 2014
'Lessons from a Financial Expert who's a Real-life Survivor'.......Pyramid Schemes, Ponzi Schemes, Identity Fraud, Cybercrime, Embezzling, Phone Fraud. The Head... Read More...
Rip Off Your Mask & See Who You TRULY Be
May 14, 2014
How many places in your life, how many roles in your life are you putting on a mask for? What if you began to truly begin to show up as who you truly be? What m... Read More...
More than a School with Anwar and Ismat Dost
May 7, 2014
Do you ever think about the legacy that you wish to leave in the world? Anwar and Ismat Dost will describe the path that lead them to establish clinics and scho... Read More...
Refusing Creation and Possibilities?
May 7, 2014
Are you refusing the creation the Universe created from your request of expansion? Have you been asking for more possibilities to show up in your life and livin... Read More...
Making Money Your Friend with Guest Russell Scott
April 30, 2014
Russell's focus will be on examination of one's relationship with money and the techniques that can bring about change. He will cover: 5 reasons People do no... Read More...
Drop The Excuses! Create the Life You Desire NOW!
April 30, 2014
Have you wanted more in your life and wonder why it's not coming? Are you finding yourself repeating excuses about why you don't have what you desire? What if... Read More...
Make your Giving Matter to You with Guest Anne MacKay
April 23, 2014
Giving is a wonderful thing and there is certainly a beautiful array of terrific charities addressing so many issues. So many of us feel compelled to give, some... Read More...
Beyond Boundaries Celebrate Your Difference! with Guest Kass Thomas
April 23, 2014
What boundary have you set to keep yourself safe that has now become a limit ? What will it take to lift these boundaries and celebrate who you are in the world... Read More...
Unlock Your Secrets and Speak! with Guest Melissa May
April 16, 2014
Are you tired of hiding? Are you tired of hiding and apologizing for who you truly are in the world? What if you no longer had to hide behind your secrets or t... Read More...
10 characteristics of Debt Free People with Guest Harvey Wood from Mortgage Intelligence
April 16, 2014
Whether you've resolved to get debt-free this year or you have a long way to go, it's good to be inspired. Look at people you know who are already living debt-f... Read More...
Why Saving Money Is Not the Secret to Retirement with guest Samantha Piercy
April 9, 2014
The original Why Saving Money is Not the Secret to Retirement is one of the most popular webinars for CGA members. Likely because people realize that conventi... Read More...
Bad-ass of Kindness with Guest Rhonda Burns
April 9, 2014
Is the world feeling viscous, mean and downright nasty to you? Do you know that something else is truly possible? Have you always been incredibly kind to others... Read More...
Is Your Mind Making You Poor? with Guest Renate Donnovan
April 2, 2014
What do athletes, surgeons, and successful money strategists all have in common? They have the ability to focus their minds with laser precision. Your thoughts ... Read More...
Cousins in Consciousness with my Guest Rachael OBrien
April 2, 2014
Cousins in Consciousness with my Guest Rachael OBrien Is change not happening fast enough for you? Are you frustrated that you want more and others are not... Read More...
“Check ’em” with Cheryl Perry
March 26, 2014
Cheryl Perry is founder of Testicular Cancer Canada. Cheryl will tell the story of her son Adam who lost his life to the disease at the age of 18. Adams story ... Read More...
Drop The Excuses! Create the Life You Desire NOW!
March 26, 2014
Have you wanted more in your life and wonder why it's not coming? Are you finding yourself repeating excuses about why you don't have what you desire? What if... Read More...
The Joys and Responsibilities of Complicated Kids with Barry Ames
March 19, 2014
Barry understands unique family situations as he has three children, one of whom has autism. He has learned from dealing with a child with special needs that pl... Read More...
Thoughts on Charitable Giving with Shirley Mitchell
March 12, 2014
Lynns guest is Shirley Mitchell. Shirley has spent a lifetime working in the non-profit sector and she will share ideas on how we can make a difference. Though... Read More...
Illusions, Delusions and Conclusions Leading your life from total freedom with Guest Sharon Lewis
March 12, 2014
Do you ever feel stuck or trapped in your life where nothing you do seems to create the freedom you desire? Do you ever have grand visions about how things mi... Read More...
Welcome to a Fresh Financial Focus with Lynn Whetham
March 5, 2014
What would it be like for you if you gave to someone else on a regular basis and it gained huge momentum for you for them and for your community? What would tha... Read More...
The Secret Life of Affirmations and Why They Don’t Work with Guest Co-Host Carol Glover
March 5, 2014
"I am thin, I am rich, I am in a loving relationship" Affirmations are everywhere we look and yet there are still a large number of people using them faithfully... Read More...
Opening the Creative Energy in You with Guest Cheri L. R. Taylor
February 19, 2014
Have you ever thought that you were not a creative person? Have you ever wondered how you could use creative energy to improve almost any experience in your lif... Read More...
Are You Buying the Lie of Sadness?
February 12, 2014
Looking around our world we can discover many amazing things in nature and animals. When we begin to look at people we discover a great deal of anger, violence,... Read More...