Our Love Affair with Judgment ~ Guest Erica Glessing
February 26, 2016
How many times and way have you cheated on you, with judgment? Judgment can be many things - tempting, seductive and exciting, as well as misleading and dest... Read More...
Body What’s It Going To Take for You To Change? ~ Donnielle Carter
February 24, 2016
It's an almost daily thought, "I need to change my body" So what would it take to change your body. What do you desire to change about your body? What does your... Read More...
Compromise…Is It A Silent Killer?
February 22, 2016
Have you been told you have to compromise in a relationship to make it work? Have you been told you are too stubborn? Have you made yourself totally wrong for b... Read More...
Bonding & Families: The Glue that Holds You Together
February 22, 2016
Did you immediately bond with your babies when they were born? Did it start to fade at some point? Do you feel cheated because your parents didn’t bond with you... Read More...
Falling in Love ~ Keisha Clark
February 19, 2016
Falling in Love is one of the most popular phrases of all time. You might be acquainted with the fairy tale and/or Hollywood versions. You might even have tri... Read More...
I Can’t Start Because I Can’t Stop….Entrepreneur’s Dilemma ~ Christine McIver
February 17, 2016
Where do I begin? I've got a great idea, and then another, and then ANOTHER! How do I choose? Which one will bring me the most money? What if I'm wrong? Wh... Read More...
My Body’s Turned On, Now What? ~ Donnielle Carter
February 17, 2016
So your body is all tingly....does that mean you have to have sex? What if your body being turned on is different than what you've thought it was. That it means... Read More...
Secret Hidden Pleasure Zones ~ Milica Jelenic
February 15, 2016
Do you have undiscovered pleasure zones in your body? Would you like a map to find them? Would you like a map of others Pleasure Zones? What if you could reveal... Read More...
Fading Under the Reign of Depression ~ Guest Anthony Mattis
February 15, 2016
Do you feel like you’re fading as overwhelming despair engulfs you? Are you watching someone drown in depression? While the world is busy diagnosing, medicating... Read More...
Will You Love the One You’re With? ~ Guest ~ Milica Jelenic
February 12, 2016
Have you made some one or every one else but you, more significant than you? Are you creating yourself as second, third or last choice in your own life? Is ... Read More...
They’ve Got The Wrong Room! ~ Christine McIver
February 10, 2016
What? I get to have this? It must be for another room! How many times are you refusing the contribution that's knocking at your door? What if you are the onl... Read More...
How To Get Your Lover To Keep Cumming Back ~ Milica Jelenic
February 8, 2016
Do you want to learn some new possibilities with getting your lover to keep cumming back? Join Milica Jelenic has she brings her brilliance, awareness, and l... Read More...
Unlocking Your Femme Fatale with Daria Hanson
February 8, 2016
You Are a Femme Fatale. Does this put a mysterious smile on your face? You are a woman who is willing to be and do anything to get what you want. You are stron... Read More...
Do You Love Salad? ~ Guest Alyssa Light
February 5, 2016
Are you ready for some fun food metaphors, and something totally different in your business? Well, feast your ears and your awareness upon this conversation Fr... Read More...
It’s Not the Question, It’s You! ~ Donnielle Carter
February 3, 2016
I’ve asked the same question a thousand times and NOTHING has changed. I think my question is broken. Can I ask it different? Do I need to stand on my head ... Read More...
Man-ipulation or Masturbation…that is the question? ~ Milica Jelenic
February 1, 2016
Milica Jelenic is an advocate for possibilities. In her private practice she invites clients to receive who they truly be and to continue to choose more for the... Read More...
“Fixing”, You’re Fired! “Creating Greater”, You’re Hired! ~ Petrina Fava
February 1, 2016
What if nothing is wrong with you? NOTHING? Not even … THAT? How long have you been trying to fix you? Fix someone else? Fix the world? Is it working? Do you kn... Read More...
What is Your Potency Costing You? ~ with Keisha Clark
January 29, 2016
Have you allowed yourself to play with this question? Have you begun to acknowledge the Potency of You? If there was no wrong way to do that, would you be wil... Read More...
Stop Being The Bottle Neck of Your Life! Guest Mat Barber
January 27, 2016
What are your choices doing to stop you for having the life you believe you are creating? Do you get that you are often the only one stopping you or massively s... Read More...
Why Can’t I Get My Body Right? ~ Donnielle Carter
January 27, 2016
It's called Right Body for You so why isn't my body "Right"?? It doesn't look the way I want! I still have pain! What's UP? What if it's not about the Right Bod... Read More...
Championship SEX ~ Milica Jelenic
January 25, 2016
Are you ready to rumble? Oh, wait this isn’t about wrestling, or is it? This reality creates so much competition in it that there are even competitions for thi... Read More...
Special? Or Separate? ~ Petrina Fava
January 25, 2016
What does being special mean to you? How much of your value is locked into being special? What happens when you are in situations when you do not feel special? ... Read More...
Magic and Madness ~ Guest – Julia Sotas
January 22, 2016
Keisha welcomes Julia Sotas back to the show this week to delve into Magic and Madness ~ What if you are actually the magic? Would you be willing to be consider... Read More...
Are You Mining For Other People’s Goodness? ~ Christine McIver
January 20, 2016
There's good in everyone. I know there is. Sometimes you just have to believe in them. REALLY? What if its just a choice and someone doesn't choose to be ki... Read More...
Who The Heck is This Donnielle Chick & Why is She in My HEAD? Interviewer Christine McIver
January 20, 2016
Do you think you know Donnielle Carter? You've known her for some time and yet there are likely many things that may surprise you about her. It's time...it's ... Read More...
Is Cramming Into Your Skinny Jeans Making Your Fatter? Guest – Kim Cooper
January 18, 2016
So, where’s your stash of skinny clothes? How long are you going to hold onto them as the ideal of what you once were and the fantasy of what you might be that ... Read More...
Are You Overestimating Understanding? with Keisha Clark
January 15, 2016
Are you an understanding person? Do you seek to understand people and what makes them choose what they choose? Do you want people to understand you? Do you t... Read More...
I’m So Insane I Make Others Look Normal! ~ Christine McIver
January 13, 2016
What if you are insane AND it's the new normal? Would you be willing to be your crazy insane self and drop the judgement of 'normal' as it that is fun? What i... Read More...
Do I Have to Do Something with Awareness? Donnielle Carter
January 13, 2016
Your body is an awarness organism and constantly giving your information. So if you become aware of something do you have to do something about it? How often do... Read More...
Being Fiercely Sexy ~ Guest Rhonda Burns
January 11, 2016
Are you willing to be so fiercely you all the time that you are a walking, talking sex bomb? Would it be fun to have some tools that would allow you step into ... Read More...
Possibilities In Parenting Launch: Toolbox for Bullied Kids
January 11, 2016
Most people with children would tell you that parenting is the most difficult job they've ever had. What if it didn't have to be? One of the things many parents... Read More...
All Paths Lead to ? ~ with Keisha Clark
January 8, 2016
Have you started on your path yet? Have you been on your path for a while? Have you jumped paths? Have you had to make some u-turns on your path? Have you come... Read More...
Don’t Let Rainbows Distract You! ~ Christine McIver
January 6, 2016
So you desire something new, different, amazing AND you can't figure out what, where, when. How many rainbows are you following hoping the pot of gold will be ... Read More...
How Flexible Are You with Your Body? ~ Donnielle Carter
January 6, 2016
What if being flexible with your body is more than just how much you can bend or what yoga positions you can get into? What if being flexible with your body is ... Read More...
Insignificant Sex ~ Milica Jelenic
January 4, 2016
Where have you made sex more significant than you? Are you a crotch-tripper, heart tripper, or head tripper of magnitude? What if sex and copulation could be fu... Read More...
2016: Choose Your Own Adventure! ~ Petrina Fava
January 4, 2016
Alright…it’s a brand new year! Toss your commitments to resolutions and hold onto your seat as you dive into a Choose Your Own Adventure book! Do you remember t... Read More...
And Everything Old is New Again ~ with Keisha Clark
January 1, 2016
A line from a popular song, a theme for many television shows, a slogan for antique shops... and how about our bodies and our lives? Most of the conversations... Read More...
Astrology, Numerology & MY choices! Guest Tania Gabrielle
December 30, 2015
Astrology and Numerology can be amazing contributions to your creations. Do you ever make them the answers and neglect your choices in use of them? Would you ... Read More...
Creating the Energy of You with Your Body! ~ Donnielle Carter
December 30, 2015
When creating your life so many people don't take their body into account. Sure they may listen if it has to do WITH your body but what if your body can contrib... Read More...
Sex Rites and Rituals from Around The World
December 28, 2015
Have you ever wondered what sex is like in different parts of the world? Not just the idea of doing it on a beach in Fiji; more like what beliefs, rites and ri... Read More...