Is This Tool Broke? ~ Donnielle Carter
August 17, 2016
You learned an amazing tool! It has created so much change for so many people. You eagerly start to use it and.....NOTHING!! No big change & your life feels... Read More...
Contraception and Misconception ~ Milica Jelenic
August 15, 2016
Ready to take a look back on some of the greatest misconceptions of contraception? What have you bought as true and real from anyone or anything about effective... Read More...
Busting The Lies of Bullying with Guest Petrina Fava
August 15, 2016
Host Christine McIver interviews Petrina Fava, Author, to discuss new perspectives on Bullying and how it really can be different. http://www.petrinafava.com/ ... Read More...
WHO Are You Wearing?
August 12, 2016
In the fashion industry, this question is on everyone's lips - curious to know what designer you have chosen to celebrate by donning their creation on your body... Read More...
Body FAQ ~ 3rd Edition ~ Donnielle Carter
August 10, 2016
I get asked random questions quite frequently and I know that the responses can benefit many. Occasionally I will put together a FAQ show with real life questio... Read More...
Never Grow Up. Never Grow Old. ~ Petrina Fava
August 8, 2016
Longing for your youth? Remember wishing you could be a grown up so that you could do whatever you wanted; excitedly looking forward to a future when you could ... Read More...
We’ve Got Spirits! ~ August Freestyle Friday Q&A with Keisha
August 5, 2016
We've Got Spirits! And they have Lots to tell us! This is the August Freestyle Question & Awareness show! Keisha had so much fun with her coming out party... Read More...
Do You Have The “Understanding Itch”? ~ Christine McIver
August 3, 2016
Why can't I change this? What is going on? How come they keep doing this and doing that? Why, Why, Why???? Do you find yourself addicted to the figuring it ou... Read More...
WaveJacking – Use it, Ride it, Tap into it. ~ Donnielle Carter
August 3, 2016
So 98% of thoughts, feelings and emotions don't belong to us. Yes, it's not yours but maybe you can use it to create YOUR life? Why fight it when you can ride i... Read More...
Education from the University of YOU! with Guest Whitney Douglas
August 2, 2016
Whitney Douglas is an entrepreneur on the move who has chosen to educate herself in all things business. She has created an amazing business http://refreshjuice... Read More...
Really, Only 4 minutes? ~ Milica Jelenic
August 1, 2016
Did you know that most women can achieve climax through clitoral stimulation in about 4 minutes while it takes between 10 and 20 or more to achieve it through p... Read More...
Creating Habits? Or Making Choices? ~ Petrina Fava
August 1, 2016
Do newborns take 21 days to build the habit of eating? Do they need motivation to poop? They just do it, right? What do they know? What awareness are they willi... Read More...
What if They Hate You?
July 29, 2016
What do you do when you are met with someone's anger, dislike, prejudice or hatred? Those moments can be some of the most challenging to remember we do have a ... Read More...
You Are NOT Behind! ~ Christine McIver
July 27, 2016
How will I ever catch up? How does everyone else do it? Why did I even start this? I'll never be caught up! I just can't seem to ever make it! If you have E... Read More...
Why Is THIS Showing Up? ~ Donnielle Carter
July 27, 2016
You've asked for more money and you crash your car. What? You've asked for your body to change and you suddenly get your period after not having it for 5 years.... Read More...
What Men Assume In Sex And Relationships? What Women Know ~ Milica Jelenic
July 25, 2016
Would you like to hear from women about what they think men assume in sex and relationships? What do you think is going on in a man’s head? Is there anything go... Read More...
Me? Change the World? ~ Petrina Fava
July 25, 2016
Yes. You Can. And it’s nothing like what you think it is. Do you look around at people travelling the world giving inspiring seminars and TED talks, building s... Read More...
Being Weird in a Room Full of Weirdos
July 22, 2016
Do you ever feel like you are an odd one, even in a room full of odd people? Does that make you super weird? Do you find yourself trying to be a certain kind ... Read More...
Who Will I Be, If I’m Not Who I’ve Been? ~ Christine McIver
July 20, 2016
Do you have stop yourself from taking the next step because the fog is too dense? Do you imagine yourself to a point and then when you can no longer imagine yo... Read More...
Are You In Your Body or Is Your Body In You? ~ Donnielle Carter
July 20, 2016
We've been taught that we are inside our body. We've seen the movies right? The ghost comes out looking exactly like the body and it comes from the body so we a... Read More...
Magic with Music ~ Guest Jeffery Straker & Host Christine McIver
July 19, 2016
Singer-songwriter-pianist Jeffery Straker shares how changing the world with music for him, was the change he desired. Jeffery also performs his new song, "Fol... Read More...
What Women Assume In Sex And Relationships? What Men Know ~ Milica Jelenic
July 18, 2016
How many assumption, do we have about relationships and sex? What if those assumptions are stopping you, or holding you back from having more fun in sex and rel... Read More...
The Gift of Deadbeat Dads; Guest Keisha Clark
July 18, 2016
Deadbeat Dads. Absentee Fathers. They abandoned you. They forgot you. They made you cry. They abused you. They drank. They gambled. They treated you like garbag... Read More...
Desire and Don’t-Wants ~ Guest Jeneen Yungwirth
July 15, 2016
How much of our lives are we creating from what we don't want to create? Is your life leaving you wanting for more? Have you made your lists and meditated and... Read More...
Judging Others, Separation & Our Health ~ Guest Renee Harrison
July 13, 2016
Judging others, or even our selves creates separation. Most of us know this. Did you know as well that it can and does have a major effect on health? Everyth... Read More...
Did You Create Your Future or Perceive It? ~ Donnielle Carter
July 13, 2016
How many times have you said, "I knew that!"? You're right, you did know it. Now, did you create it or just perceive it? Is there a difference? Does it matter? ... Read More...
Achieving Targets With Your Body ~ Guest Carlo Celotti & Host Christine McIver
July 11, 2016
Carlo has been in the fitness industry for over 19 years and a student of it for even longer, having spent time learning from world renowned experts in the fiel... Read More...
What is Art, What is Porn? ~ Milica Jelenic
July 11, 2016
What is the difference between art and porn? What if one creates and the other limits, what if none of that is the case? How many points of view do we have abou... Read More...
Chameleons Aren’t Inauthentic. They’re Smart.
July 11, 2016
Have you ever heard of a chameleon with an identity crisis? Do you think other animals accuse them of being flakes because they change their colours to suit the... Read More...
We’ve Got Spirits! ~ July Freestyle Friday Q&A with Keisha
July 8, 2016
We've Got Spirits! And they have Lots to tell us! This is the July Freestyle Question & Awareness show! Keisha had so much fun with her coming out party, ... Read More...
Spontaneous Deliberation of Creation ~ Guest Janelle Hoyland
July 6, 2016
You are meant to touch all that is delivered to you. You are the creator! What have you defined as wrong in spontaneous creation that cuts off the contribution ... Read More...
World Events & Your Body ~ Donnielle Carter
July 6, 2016
There is a war in Africa but you don’t live there…what does that have to do with your body? There is a bombing at the Atlanta Olympics…what does that have to do... Read More...
Motivating at Warp Speed Guest Peter Tolias & Host Christine McIver
July 5, 2016
Motivating at Warp Speed with Peter Tolias of I Can, We Can Peter Tolias happens to be one of those unassuming people who you would never imagine would create ... Read More...
Are You All Tied Up? ~ Milica Jelenic
July 4, 2016
Do you tie yourself up in your mind, in your heart, in your expectations? Where is being tied up fun for you? Where have you avoided being tied up? Bringing out... Read More...
Hating. It’s So High School. ~ Guest Jenny G. Perry
July 4, 2016
Are you still cat-fighting with other women? Jealous? Competing? Just overall hating? What’s the deal?! How much are you cutting out of your life by holding thi... Read More...
Speaking Your Peace ~ Guests Connie Cox and Terry Doherty
July 1, 2016
A common expectation with conflict is that we should be able to "talk it out". How do we do that with so many different points of view in the mix, though? And... Read More...
Are You Divorcing You in Business, Money, Relationships? ~ Christine McIver
June 29, 2016
Are you talking out of both sides of your mouth? Are you physically saying one thing and then doing or thinking another? Are any areas in your life not workin... Read More...
Be Your Own Mistake ~ Donnielle Carter
June 29, 2016
Have you struggled with changing your body? Haven’t you always known that changing your body should be easier? What if it wasn’t about dominating or forcing y... Read More...
Aiding Beyond Limitations Guest Amy McLaren & Host Christine McIver
June 28, 2016
Amy McLaren Founder of World Teacher Aid joins Host Christine McIver as they discuss Aiding Beyond Limitations. www.worldteacheraid.org Christine McIver, Poss... Read More...
What is Your Weighting Creating? ~ Petrina Fava
June 27, 2016
What’s your waiting game? Do you notice yourself furiously impatient for change; refusing to wait and demanding that it show up NOW while at the same time, wait... Read More...