Open Mic Spotlight ~ Guest Nicole Lellek

Open Mic Spotlight ~ Guest Nicole Lellek

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June 5, 2017 by Open Mic on Inspired Choices Network

Open Mic Spotlight Radio Show

Open Mic Spotlight PRESENTS Nicole Lellek as today’s Unique Exciting Speaker.

We will dive into all of who Nicole is and what she is creating in the world, her ideas, messages and anything else that comes forward during the conversation.

Nicole Lellek, born 1973, grew up in Germany where she still resides. Having grown up in a quite conflicted family which could barely hold together, Nicole learned at an early age how important it is to read between the lines and how to best balance opposite opinions and lifestyles. This led to a growing curiosity about how people create their lives.

This curiosity led her, after a long stay in a business consulting firm, to her profession as a headhunter recruiting executives for a blue chip companies. Talking to very many people daily about how they create their career always was exciting for Nicole, and it still is. However, working on the global playground of careers and job opportunities still was enough. And so Nicole decided that coaching would be a great add-on. Starting with classical coaching techniques she quickly moved to stress prevention techniques and then learned plenty of techniques in spiritual healing.

This started a journey of self-healing during which Nicole experienced something which many people call a “Spiritual Awakening”. Not only she rediscovered her psychic abilities which she already had in childhood, also she suddenly got a lot of information about other lifetimes.. Suddenly having like she says “a super data highway in her head” led to overwhelm first and then to having to face all the parts in her fife which were out of alignment. And those were by far more than she imagined…

Today Nicole has consulted thousands of people in regards of their career and personal growth and she is taking her life a step further. In her radio show “Spiritual Adventures” Nicole shares for the first time publicly about her life as “being a psychic in a mainstream reality” and how everybody can use psychic abilities in a way that is beneficial to life self empowered life.

Join Nicole for “Spiritual Adventures” every Wednesday, 1pm EST.

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