Open Mic Spotlight ~ Guest Carol Reinlie

Open Mic Spotlight ~ Guest Carol Reinlie

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January 20, 2017 by Open Mic on Inspired Choices Network

Open Mic Spotlight Radio Show

Open Mic Spotlight PRESENTS Carol Reinlie as todays Unique Exciting Speaker!

We will dive into all of who Carol is and what she is creating in the world, her ideas, messages and anything else that comes forward during the conversation. 

Carol Reinlie is a Marketer, Author, Radio Show Host and Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator who loves to help people expand their relationships, lives, and businesses. A consummate entrepreneur, Carol has spent the last 25 years working with many individuals, entrepreneurs and organizations.

A natural born connector, she thrives on seeing people expand into their immense potential. As a coach and facilitator, Carol has seen where people will hold themselves back in relationships and business. By adding the Access Bars energy process to her coaching practice, she has been able to help people quickly shift what they may not have even known was blocking them.

Following the energy of what is possible for the future rather than trying to recreate or reinvent the past is her focus. Doing what has always been done will keep bringing the same result. And, right now, that result is a pretty high rate of relationships not working out.

Christine McIver, Owner of Inspired Choices Network, will interview guests to share more amazing people with our listeners around the world. 

Contact Christine McIver at 

Inspired Choices Network