Mixed Orientation Relationships – Co- Host Aideen T. Finnola

Mixed Orientation Relationships – Co- Host Aideen T. Finnola

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September 2, 2019 by **The Pleasure Zone with Milica Jelenic

The Pleasure Zone with Milica Jelenic Radio Show

“Mixed Orientation Relationships”, have you ever heard of it? This week we will be delving into what a mixed orientation relationship is, how to identify if you are in a mixed orientation relationship and what, and finding out about what support systems are available for someone in a mixed orientation relationship. Join Milica and her co-host Aideen for an exploration into mixed orientation relationships.

Aideen T. Finnola is an empowerment coach, author, speaker, and radio show host, In Pursuit of Truth on Inspired Choices Network. She is an unapologetic and empowered survivor of and thriver after physical, emotional, psychological, and religious abuse.

As she was raised in a religious cult for the first two decades of her life and was then unsuspectingly married to a closeted gay man for her life’s next two decades, she has a lot of experience with varying degrees and expressions of untruth. These experiences have fueled her pursuit of truth to the point of a full-on passion (some might say obsession).

Aideen has learned that above all, untruth is both unworkable and painful. Coming from the perspective that life, time and space, and the human experience are all perfect and good, she knows that truth can only exist within ideas and experiences that are both workable and enjoyable.

Aideen coaches her clients to find their own truth by investigating outside the conventional parameters of “should and shouldn’t,” “good and bad,” and “right and wrong.” She guides them instead to evaluate their experiences by questioning “Is this working for me?” and “Am I enjoying this?”

Aideen empowers people all over the world through her coaching, her memoir, My Exquisite Purple Life, her speaking, and her radio show. Her unwavering message is to look for truth, guidance, and answers within, because it’s all there inside!  aideen@aideentfinnola.com   https://www.aideentfinnola.com/

Purchase Aideen’s book My Exquisite Purple Life at https://bit.ly/2S9VP5t or 
the audible version at https://www.audible.com/pd/B07KX7VLV3

~ More About The Pleasure Zone ~

What is pleasure? Have you ever noticed that what is pleasing to one body is not necessarily pleasing to all bodies? What if our bodies like to be pleasing and to gift pleasure to others and to receive pleasure? In this show we will explore the world of pleasure. If your body was sensing pleasure more often would your life have more ease?

Miracle Minutes With Milica
One Year Of Weekly Readings, Insights, Healings, and Tools In  A Private Facebook Group

We start out with magical little bodies that turn on everybody. Babies are always having people come up to them and compliment them on their beauty and get really excited to be in their presence.
What would the world be like if we stopped judging ourselves, our bodies and others? How much more fun, joy and pleasure is possible on this planet if we choose to be explorers? Whose ready for an adventure???

Milica Jelenic is an advocate for possibilities. In her private practice she invites clients to receive who they truly be and to continue to choose more for themselves.  Milica knows that there is something greater for all of us on this planet and plays with bodies to awaken greater possibilities to show up.  Milica’ abilities as an intuitive lend to a session that is personalized for the client. Milica’s keen ability to sense where change is possible and to question what is stuck in the target area creates a very dynamic session that promotes choice, possibility and change.




To get more of The Pleasure Zone with Milica Jelenic, be sure to visit the archives page for replays of all her shows here: https://www.inspiredchoicesnetwork.com/podcast/the-pleasure-zone-milica-jelenic/


Inspired Choices Network