Menopause – some tools to change it! Right Body for You with Special Guest Juna Guetter

Menopause – some tools to change it! Right Body for You with Special Guest Juna Guetter

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February 18, 2015 by *The Exploration Of Wonder

What if you had no point of view about getting older?

What if you didn’t have to have any symptoms when you became the average age of onset for things like Menopause, wrinkles, dry skin, balding, etc.?

Are you and your body ready to let go of being run by these limiting conclusionary realities with bodies?  What can your body change that would create more ease?

If you weren’t creating your body through judgments, conclusions and bio-mimemtically mimicking, what else could you choose?

Since 2009, Juna has been working internationally as a Certified Access Consciousness Facilitator, and additionally, since 2013,  as a 3 Day Body Class Facilitator, empowering and educating people around the world in the art of conscious living and joyful embodiment.  Before that, 20 years of teaching, Social work, running a Kitchen Business, Dance and raising children.


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