Loving Yourself Exactly As You Are – Guest Shafonne Myers

Loving Yourself Exactly As You Are – Guest Shafonne Myers

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October 25, 2019 by Bring Your Brilliance with Carla Taylor

Bring Your Brilliance With Carla Taylor Radio Show

Are you a plus size woman who struggles with loving yourself …and finds that is affecting your business and your relationships?
Do you know you were meant for more, but feel like your size is holding you back?
Do you simply want to look in the mirror and finally feel beautiful… and actually see what others see?
Join Carla Taylor as she talks with Shafonne Myers, a leading self love and body positivity coach for plus size women.

In this new body positivity movement, women think all they have to do is think or talk about body positivity and see it in images. Then all of a sudden, you will feel beautiful about yourself and know what your purpose in life is.

Shafonne challenges her audience and clients to truly figure out who they are by starting to think, feel and “be” who they want to be. She is the plus size expert in the bridal industry and has been working with plus size brides for years. She has now branched out to help all plus size women love themselves, feel beautiful and finally find the courage to be themselves.

Shafonne Myers is a media mogul and self love and body positivity coach from Temecula, California. She graduated with a biology and psychology degree, but always had a love for weddings and helping people.

Shafonne built an internationally recognized, award-winning wedding publication for plus size brides called Pretty Pear Bride. Her wedding publication is the only one in the world and has solidified her as THE plus size bridal expert. She has recently started offering private coaching for plus size women ready to transform their lives by learning to love themselves, feeling beautiful, stopping the comparison game, and finding the courage within themselves to be themselves.

From her experience with working with the plus size industry, she also works with brands who want to improve their marketing for plus size women. These are both the true reflection of her bringing her brilliance. Harnessing her fearlessness, determination, charisma and plain ole hustle, Shafonne empowers plus size women to release their fears and insecurities, embody their self worth, and get into action to become the best version of themselves in life and business.

https://www.shafonnemyers.com/    smyers@prettypearbride.com

~ More Bring Your Brilliance ~ Carla Taylor ~

Are you ready to find your voice and bring your message to the world?

Do you know you need a personal brand but aren’t sure what it should be?

Do you want to create your own “career insurance” by having a personal brand that outlives any role or company?

Each week, Personal Branding Evangelist and LinkedIn Strategist Carla Taylor interviews amazing people who are bringing their brilliance and forging their own path. She helps business leaders navigate the unknown by helping them stay relevant and known in their field, be their authentic selves, and love what they do.

After supporting thousands of clients in achieving their goals, Carla Taylor realized she needed to “walk the talk” for her own personal brand. She started saying yes to opportunities, making social media connections in real life, and having a lot more fun along the way.

www.itstimetobringit.com    https://www.bringyourbrilliance.net/

To get more of Bring Your Brilliance ~ Carla Taylor, be sure to visit the archives page for replays of all her shows here: https://www.inspiredchoicesnetwork.com/podcast/bring-your-brilliance-with-carla-taylor/


Inspired Choices Network