Ignite Your Energy ~ Guest Rene Deal

Ignite Your Energy ~ Guest Rene Deal

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July 26, 2019 by Bring Your Brilliance with Carla Taylor

Bring Your Brilliance With Carla Taylor Radio Show

Finding your Voice and Bringing Your Brilliance starts with having the physical health and emotional energy to fuel your journey.

Rene Deal is a compassionate and authentic practitioner who specializes in Energetic Living. She walks the talk and has worked to transform her own health – mind, body, and spirit. She now employs a multitude of modalities and techniques to help her clients transform their emotional and digestive challenges to unlock their true inner joy and happiness.

Call in with your questions to learn more about Rene’s own personal journey as well as how she uses the natural healing process of the body to help energize and ignite the energy for her clients around the world.

Rene Deal of Energetic Living works with clients Internationally to gently guide them from the emotional baggage & trauma of their lives to live a life full of joy, love, and vitality.

Her personal journey started with the health journey of her middle daughter who struggled years with severe IBS. After struggling for several years their journey turned to alternative medicine wherein she found the answers she was seeking.

Due to this start in alternative medicine, Rene found her purpose is now an Advanced Digestive Health Specialist trained under Dr. Howard Loomis, a Certified Emotion and Body Code Practitioner trained under Dr. Bradley Nelson and a Transformational Nutrition Coach trained at the Institute of Transformation Nutrition. She finds joy in helping her clients uproot their emotional & digestive challenges to create a life they enjoy living.  transform@renedealwellness.com  https://www.energeticlivingindy.com/ 


~ More Bring Your Brilliance ~ Carla Taylor ~

Are you ready to find your voice and bring your message to the world?

Do you know you need a personal brand but aren’t sure what it should be?

Do you want to create your own “pension plan” by having a personal brand that outlives any role or company?

Each week, Personal Branding Evangelist and LinkedIn Strategist Carla Taylor interviews amazing people who are bringing their brilliance and forging their own path. She helps business leaders navigate the unknown by helping them stay relevant and known in their field, be their authentic selves, and love what they do.

After supporting thousands of clients in achieving their goals, Carla Taylor realized she needed to “walk the talk” for her own personal brand. She started saying yes to opportunities, making social media connections in real life, and having a lot more fun along the way.


To get more of Bring Your Brilliance ~ Carla Taylor, be sure to visit the archives page for replays of all her shows here: https://www.inspiredchoicesnetwork.com/podcast/bring-your-brilliance-with-carla-taylor/


Inspired Choices Network