I Only Have a Dime, I Will Have the Cheesecake Now Please? with Christine McIver

I Only Have a Dime, I Will Have the Cheesecake Now Please? with Christine McIver

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July 30, 2014 by ***Inspired Choices ~ Christine McIver

Where have you decided that what you have equals what you will receive? Do you look to what you have before you will ask for more or receive more? What if the two have absolutely nothing to do with the other? Are you willing to receive more from the Universe? Are you ready to step into your true energy of choice and demand the cheesecake in every area of your life?

Come and play with Christine McIver, Possibilities Coach, this week on the radio as she share tips, tools and ridiculously funny situations of how you can choose to change anything that is not working in your choosing.


Inspired Choices Network