How to Set Unreasonable Goals ~ Petrina Fava

How to Set Unreasonable Goals ~ Petrina Fava

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January 16, 2017 by Messy Adventures In Living

Messy Adventures in Living ~ Petrina Fava Radio Show

Are you the kind of person who gets super excited about an idea and then, as soon as you start putting it into motion, gets dragged down by all the hows and whens and wheres? Maybe you need to sit down and think about setting some reasonable goals instead of acting on emotion. Be reasonable. Lower your standards a little and set realistic goals. Stop being such a dreamer and get real.  BLEH! Or…NOT! When did you buy that baloney? Who did you buy it from and what has the price of that baloney been? You’re not just an unrealistic dreamer. You know you have the ability to create great things. If you didn’t buy the lies of “reasonable goals”, how much magic could you create? Let’s dream big and start getting unreasonable!

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