Exploring the Art of Conscious Relating – Creating Fulfilling Lifetime’s Relationships

Exploring the Art of Conscious Relating – Creating Fulfilling Lifetime’s Relationships

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November 6, 2017 by Open Mic on Inspired Choices Network

Open Mic Spotlight Radio Show

Open Mic Spotlight PRESENTS Lucia Gabriela, Relationship and Integrative Sexuality Coach and Conscious Sexual Healing Facilitator as today’s Unique Exciting Speaker.  Lucia will be sharing with us how to explore the art of conscious relating and creating a fulfilling lifetime’s relationship.  

Lucia Gabriela helps individuals and couples to master their sensuality, sexuality, and relationships with themselves and others. Her passion is to create a safe and sacred space for women and men to deeply explore many aspects of themselves, purge emotional and sexual traumas that are holding them back from manifesting what they desire, heal their inner child, embrace their shadows, connect with their higher self, reconnect with their own body’s wisdom, align with their true essence, live their higher potential, and master their sexual life in all realms. She specializes and works with individuals whose journey is to free themselves from emotional and sexual traumas, and helps them to reclaim their creative power, body, voice, sensuality and sexuality. Learn more at http://www.LuciaGabriela.com    Luciagabrielacoach@gmail.com

https://www.facebook.com/LuciaGabrielaCoach/  https://www.youtube.com/luciagabrielacoach  

***Special Bonus will be offered during this show!  Be sure to tune in to the live show or the replay for the details***  http://bit.ly/RelationshipSummit​CM

***AND*** Lucia is offering a 45min Life, Relationships and Sexual Mastery Discovery Call. You can book it at http://www.calendly.com/luciagab​riela

You can also enjoy this opportunity. Your LIVE recording, Replay Links, Profile Picture, Contract information & Website information will be shared with our entire platform.  Many other opportunities also available.

Contact Christine McIver at info@inspiredchoicesnetwork.com

Inspired Choices Network