Empowering Your Teens to Dance with Elephants ~ Guests – Julie, Christy & Connor Perkins

Empowering Your Teens to Dance with Elephants ~ Guests – Julie, Christy & Connor Perkins

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April 1, 2016 by Aligning Divine with Keisha Clark

Have you ever been in the room where a Huge Elephant is standing in the midst of everyone – and Nobody is even looking at the Elephant?  As a kid, was that a common thing for you?  What if you could be one who dances with elephants? Or an Elephant Whisperer?

How much limitation do we create with our kids by not encouraging them to acknowledge what they are aware of?  How much more empowered could they be, if we were to embrace who they be, and the gift they are, to our lives and living?  The teen years can be especially challenging.  And – what if we could empower our teens to navigate the ups and downs and all arounds with more ease and confidence?  What if we chose to be present with them, wherever they are, creating a space for the conversation that can include everything from sex and drugs and rock-n-roll!  To dance with the elephants ~ would that create something different for our kids, for us?  Let’s play with that, shall we?

Keisha welcomes Julie and Christy and Connor Perkins this week, to explore empowering our teens and what that can create – in their lives, in our families, in our communities, in the world.

Julie Oreson Perkins and her teens, Connor and Christy, are choosing different for themselves, their family and the planet. They are passionate about becoming ALL of themselves by acknowledging their awareness – adoring their bodies – and choosing happiness every single day. Together, they are contributing authors to the #1 Bestselling books, Possibilities in Parenting and The Power of Releasing Judgment.  Find it on Amazon

Julie Oreson Perkins is a certified Life Coach, specializing in Mind, Body and Soul well-BEing. Hundreds have benefitted from her “conversations of change” that result in a (re)birth of natural, intuitive abilities and zest for life on the planet here and now. You’ll find her most at peace out in Nature, where she takes clients to show them different perspectives, possibilities and choices.  Visit Julie’s website here – JuliePerkins.com

Connor Perkins loves the sport of rugby and has enjoyed it from all perspectives: as a player – a referee – a youth coach! His love of nature is evident in his accomplishments (he’s an Eagle Scout with the Boy Scouts of America) and the care he takes when working at his outdoor maintenance jobs. And his limitless capacity with energy is obvious when you receive one of his Access Consciousness Body Process sessions or sit next to him in a shamanic drum circle!

Christy Perkins is an Artist, Creative Writer, Musician and Singer/Songwriter who loves to play many stringed instruments (including ukulele and all kinds of guitars: bass, electric, acoustic, classical), piano and keyboards. She facilitates teens struggling to be who they truly are, especially those who are self-destructive, addictive or just plain lost.

And you can enjoy the archived episodes of Julie and Christy’s Radio Show ~ Teens Done Differrent

You can find Keisha on Facebook ~ www.facebook.com/livingwealwithkeisha

Rhonda and Keisha Clark on the 10 Days of…Getting Down and Dirty with the Universe!  April 19 – April 28, 2016

Join the list to receive information for their weekly Conversations with Keisha and Rhonda beginning in May 2016!

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