Changing How You Choose ~ Special Guest, Dr. Ron Jahner

Changing How You Choose ~ Special Guest, Dr. Ron Jahner

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November 17, 2017 by Aligning Divine with Keisha Clark

Living Beyond Linear Radio Show with Keisha Clark

Would you like to start Changing How You Choose?

Finding yourself overwhelmed? Exhausted? Running on empty? Does it feel like your whole life will implode if you drop one of the little pieces you are so carefully trying to keep in place? Are you frustrated from trying to change what you are doing that creates the craziness, and just ending up feeling more crazy? Why isn’t it working?!

What if the way you are making the choices you are making has something to do with what can actually change – or not, as the case may be?  That is what I have invited my Special Guest Dr. Ron Jahner to explore with me in this week’s Beyond-Linear adventure.  Can changing how we choose be a key to experiencing true change in our lives?

Dr. Ronald Jahner has been recognized as a national board certified Naturopathic Physician (ANMA) having earned a Diplomate in Acupuncture, and is currently a Diplomate and serving on the faculty of the American College of Addictionology and Compulsive Disorders (ACACD). He has over 30 years of personal and professional experience in applying the universal principles of health and spirituality for mastering life challenges. He is not a licensed medical doctor. His consultations are not covered by insurance. Dr. Jahner’s perspectives on vitality enhancement and lifestyle wellness are intended solely for personal education, coaching & training. They are never intended to replace or contradict primary medical, osteopathic, or chiropractic medical treatment and advice.

Play more with Dr. Ron –       Email him at

And check out Grizzly Bears & Two-Year Olds Radio Show: 

Want to join Dr. Ron & Keisha in their new co-creation tele-call? Learn more and register here today!

~ More about Living Beyond Linear with Keisha Clark ~

Are you ready to be done with trying to make sense of your life?  Or trying to make your life make sense to everyone else?  What if the life that actually works for You makes no sense, is totally unpredictable, and goes way outside the box of conventionality?  Would you be courageous enough to live that life?

Keisha is a Happily Unconventional Empowerment Agent who blends her capacities in the Intuitive and Healing Modalities and Divination Arts, to facilitate her clients and students into greater awareness, clarity and confidence. She invites, inspires and empowers people to activate and take ownership of their “different”, and to discover how to let it work to their advantage. Keisha does this with her relentless curiosity, her potent kindness, and her twenty plus years of experience as an energy linguist via her medium-ship and therapeutic bodywork. Get ready to shift your perspective and shatter your limitations ~ Keisha is challenging you to ‘Stop asking your life to make sense’ and start Living Beyond Linear!

Wanna play more with Keisha?  Join the community – sign up here  You will be first to know about her offerings and events!  And you will have some special perks for being a part of her community, too!

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Have a listen to the new song by Keisha Clark and Jay Adkins ~ Global Embrace ~ here –

And you can email your questions or comments to

For more Beyond-Linear adventures, visit Keisha’s archive page for replays of all of her shows:

Inspired Choices Network