Are You Willing to Be a Disappointment?

Are You Willing to Be a Disappointment?

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September 30, 2016 by Aligning Divine with Keisha Clark

You probably know that feeling – you get all twisty and tangled up, super awkward, perceiving the icky-ness in the other person’s universe…and you know something you have chosen, or are choosing, is not making them happy; they are totally disappointed in you!  So what do you do with that?  …what if you could receive it, and not get stuck by it?

Join the conversation with Keisha this week, as she explores some different possibilities with being a disappointment.  What do we choose with “following the energy” when it does not seem to take us in a direction that does not make everyone happy?

You can find Keisha on Facebook ~ @LivingBeyondLinear

You can also enjoy more with Keisha Clark and Rhonda Burns on their collaborative project, Sexually Speaking, at   ~ Celebrating all things sex and #thesexof everything with Unconventional conversations to Unf%#k your life.

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